The Closet
A wardrobe cabinet for appearances
A small space for big dreams for the little girl in the blue gingham room.
Step inside, close the door. Perfect posture, she sits Indian style. The small red rubber ball bounces up from the hard wood floors. Countless hours of Jax. Jack be nimble Jack be quick, jack jump over the candle stick. Her small skilled hands never miss.
She lines the metal stars in a zipper formation, setting the ball down, closing her eyes, hands loosely clasped, she dreams. She feels a body free from pain. No more nights on cold tile floors. A world of only play. A kind loving daddy’s lap for bouncy bounce.
She steps thru billowy white sheers onto an ocean of white daisies. Their centers, bright yellow floral discs, are the million smiles that assure her that she will be okay.
Cover Photo by Aaron Burden. Edited by Madison Case.