My Hero

As I grew up, it seemed that everyone had a superhero or idol they looked up to. For some, it might’ve been Spiderman. It could’ve even been someone on TV like Troy Bolton. Everyone around me is still as excited as when they were kids, maybe even more. I would hear constant chattering of the Avengers or how the characters in Black Panther were absolutely astonishing. Eventually, it becomes a conversation I can’t avoid and each time I repeat the same thing, “No, I haven’t watched it yet.” Oftentimes, I get the response: “Tiffany, you are so behind” or “Do you even like superheroes?”

Of course I like superheroes. Who doesn’t? They always save the day and sometimes, they save the entire world.

“So then, who’s your favorite?”

Well, my favorite hero has been watching me ever since I was a baby. Even though I had cried and complained a lot, he always knew how to make me laugh again. He would leave early in the morning because certainly, superheroes have special duties they must attend to. When he came back, he would be tired, but somehow he still had the energy to let me fly with him.

As I started to grow older, I saw my hero less often. He would go on trips halfway across the world, then return a week later. When he returned, we would catch up on everything he had missed on this side of the world. Sometimes, he’d make fun of me for being so interested in mundane events. Other times, he’d offer me advice about what the world was like out there and how I would grow to be someone who helps others.

I would talk about my dreams and goals and he always supported me no matter what I wanted to do. Sometimes, I lose sight of my dreams because of the pressure I felt to do good and maintain a well-rounded life. Other times, I pushed my dreams aside because I had found something else to invest my time and energy into, but my hero always reminded me of what I was capable of and what I truly wanted to do.

I grin as I reply, “My dad, of course.”

Cover Photo by Tiffany Wan. Edited by Madison Case.




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