She slipped 

Like coffee from my cup.

I chased her in dreams

As I tried to collect

The scattered memories of us. 


Her laughter haunts 

The corridor of my mind

Though I can’t remember 

The songs she used to sing. 

Her footsteps are forever 

Ingrained in my heart.


She always reminded me

Of how her mother didn’t like me.

I was too loud

Too poor

Too far from the gates

To even look upon their lives.


She gives me nothing

Her silence echoing 

Behind the sockets of my eyes.

No care in the way

She promises 

She won’t follow me. 


She is a ghost of my past

And I am a stain on hers. 

She is the hollow rain on my window

And I am the fire 

Dancing graciously upon

The wick of the candle as she sleeps.


The Banker's Rendezvous With Mother Jones' Children

