Letters and Stars
A collection of letters
A collection of stars
Longing to uncover who we truly are
The moons and the planets
A cosmic array
Cognitive functions and
Letters ending in Ps and Js
We tell each other ours
Seeking for understanding
Almost a reveal of one’s soul
Told through sound waves of a phone call
The belief in it wasn’t there
It was a gesture, just to share
“This is so you,” I say with a grin
Sending posts your way
Hoping for you to let me in
“You know me so well,” you say
Am I in?
For months, it continues this way
A reveal of one’s soul, the joining of two;
We searched, confidently
The stars were on our side
Our personalities aligned
But I look to them now
Seeking to understand
The hostility.
Along the way
Through the staring at old texts
Figuring out what to say
I do not look anymore
At those posts I would’ve sent your way
For your collection of letters
Collection of stars
Telling me who you truly are.