Home is So Close
Each moment is ripe with tenderness,
Each moment softer than the last
With you, like
Fruit plucked from a tree,
Cradled in the softest part of my
Hands and tucked into the crook
Of my heart’s largest swell –
An ocean’s wave of the
Gentlest humming, and the warmest
Caress of a lover’s touch
Between my legs, quietly,
Full-breathed; and here, the
New year cracked wide open
Like a cold sky,
Like a mirrorglass, transformed,
Reflecting your childhood crooked teeth,
Reciting Wizard of Oz on repeat, and my
Broken elbow
In the pockets of air beneath
2003, but today
The world is frozen and
Home is so close,
Being built thread by thread
Together today and tomorrow
Until one day we will pick it all up
And fly it to a new time
And continue
knitting our solitudes
Until they’re thick with love
Cover Photo by Kristen Topich.