getting naked in blurry visions of life

Crawl my way into a new life

I’m gonna

Crawl my way into a new life… 

I’m gonna?

crawl     and     crawl     and     crawl     and     crawl     and     crawl     and     crawl    and    crawl

My way into a new life…

No I’m not.                                                                                                                   But I want to. 

Desperately under the impression as the new sun arrives, 

there must be a stripped down version of yourself that you present the incoming wrinkles of wind with.

A naked you, a neud you, a new you.

God forbid                                                                              we stay in the same skin for too long.

God forbid                                                                              we learn to love ourselves.

God forbid                                                                              you honour where you are. 

When the going gets too tough, 

when you can’t stand to stay in the itchy crevices of your skin, 

you follow me and together we

Crawl our way into a new life

We’re gonna?


There is no such thing as a new life.

Blurry visions of                                                                     yourself

Of                                                                                            the future

Of                                                                                            the people around you.

You say you want to run further in time,

but you want to run back.

Join me in the escapade,

I’ll drunkenly meet you on the wet streets of Queen

21 year old independence surging you back

Good company?                                                                                                                We love it.

The earth cries joy and we dance in warm tears

Honouring the moment

Honouring ourselves.

What a beautiful tale of a one-night friend. 

Slowly we will ride the energy back into the present

I will softly rest you down as you crawl your way into this life.

Cover Photo by Zeeshaan Shabbir.




Self-portrait with sleeping pills