
How the hell do you get better?

When you keep thinking about your past

and you ignore all your accomplishments and highlight all your flaws.

Fixating on the fact that whenever you talk you sound like a five year old babbling on about their

imaginary friend and so you cannot relay these feelings to anyone.

Because when you do you say the wrong thing.

And they just don’t get it. Even though they try to.

But they can’t and you get frustrated and you still can’t let them know because they want to help

but their advice irritates you because their thoughts are thoughts that you’ve already known.

How the hell do you get better?

When the steps you take to improve yourself always lead you down a hole.

Surrounding you with despair and broken promises and missed opportunities.

This hole that you have dug yourself, but can’t help but to blame it on what you were born into;

An advantageous life, but with no guidance

because someone chose to ignore all the help that was offered to them.

Cover Photo by Inga Seliverstova.



