honors english, 2018
don’t ask me
how I began to love
how I began to breathe
freckled faces and crinkled noses same as seven o’clock cartoons
and apple juice
remember watermelon hair and pink stripes or flying from tree limbs
no concern for our own
minutes dripped like honey
slow / sweet / no expiration date
now they rush like the river
we trampled through
splashing slumbering frogs
into survival mode
Is that where we are?
cramming slippery palms
into fragile embrace
no questions.
stirring on shared tongues
& coffee mugs
all girls love like this
we’d sing the hollow prayer
into sixteen
into boys we called by different names
& let’s play pretend
is it just me / you never ask
remember first period english,
sticky notes / love letters
call me ros / you’re my guil
and I don’t know her
or are you my reading lines now? you smile, my stomach boils
and it’s all just a little too melodramatic for the dead.
Cover Photo by Amanda Pirani.