Canción de Las Flores

The latina women that I think of Are the ones fertilizing the soil 

Voices muffled in dirt 

Skirts found teared 

Next to petals watered by a mother’s tears Every father’s fear 

To lose a baby girl to lust 

When lust goes left 

Turned eulogy 

Femicide has never been a fabrication Bodies never found 

Families still looking 

Praying and hoping 

To find a limb 


anything to bury 

A hint of closure 

To rest their worn out hearts. 

Restless souls 

Yearning to go home

The beauty that the world praises 

Hidden in rivers and lakes 

Why do you think our flowers are so beautiful? Lovers turned to seeds 

To feed our biodiversity 

Ever growing 

As they live on 

Only to be picked and plucked 

By the same selfish hands 

Who were never taught to leave a pretty thing alone. Our women fetishized 

Sexualized for their accents 

Called romantic 

Even when fighting for land back 

Do we still sound sexy and sweet 

When we critique 

Our government's greed? 

Or when we weep 

For loved ones 

Who left before we were ready? 

Your fantasies 

Of curves and submission

Starve you of real intimacy 

That is given from the love of Latin women Who are taught softness and silence 

Before our second birthdays 

But you. 

You come and plague our homeland 

For unholy reasons 

Yet you’ve found God in her lips 

Heaven in her hips 

You have become a believer 

As she brings you back from the dead 

A feat you never reciprocated 

On her end. 

May every murdered young girl 

Find friendship in the wind 

Shelter under trees 

Cloth in leaves 

May she be wiped clean 

To find sanctuary in the streams 

Where her heart stopped. 

Do not blame our women for their survival tactics While those who speak up are murdered to martyrdom The next time you hold one in your arms

Remember those who sought out similar comforts Only to be met with bruises beaten into mindsets Blood spilled that will never be seen 

And pay homage 

To mis hermanas 

Who’s souls make our roses smell so sweet. May they all find a kinder world in the afterlife.

Cover Photo by Lisa Fotios.


Ritual Flame


Unlivable Depths