Blacks, browns and whites!

If my skin color seems problematic to you,

I am sorry but you are problematic to the world

The world needs a developed mindset!

Not a mind filled with stupid thoughts on blacks, browns, and whites!

If my skin color pricked your eyes,

I am sorry but the problem lies in your eyes,

The world needs eyes that look without discrimination!

Not an eye that discriminates among blacks, browns, and whites!

If my skin color makes you question my existence,

I am sorry but there is no reason for your existence,

The world needs intellectual humans!

Not such humans who disregard their form of existence based on blacks, browns, and whites!

If my skin color can't let you sit with me,

I am sorry but you don't belong in here,

The world needs people who promote unity!

Not those who promote dissension conditioned on blacks, browns, and whites!

If my skin color doesn't make me fit for your educational or work place,

I am sorry but you don't fit in this world,

The world needs an unprejudiced soul!

Not a prejudiced one that creates inequitable opportunities amidst blacks, browns, and whites!

If my skin color makes you judge less of me,

I am sorry but you should check on yourself,

The world needs a liberal society!

Not a chauvinist society that judges humans on the ground of blacks, browns, and whites!

If my skin color is the rationale of my imprisonment or prolong punishment,

I am sorry but such Criminal Justice System should be set on fire,

The world needs an uncorrupted Criminal Justice System!

Not a corrupted system where punishments are according to people's race- blacks, browns, and whites!

If my skin color is the cause of my unemployment, less wages, low living standard or poverty,

I am sorry but these are because of racists who are hindrance in world's development,

The world needs antiracists for its development!

Not racists who can easily destroy it by creating differences in blacks, browns and whites!

If my skin color is the reason of my poor health or access to low healthcare facilities,

I am sorry but to make these out of seen inhumans supremacist should be made out of seen,

The world needs humans with humanity for its development!

Not inhuman supremacists who make people suffer for basic needs and cost them their life due to the differences of race- blacks, browns and whites!

Think logical and be logical,

Different skin color is due to the different geographical areas!

It's not that the Creator created this differences to place a group below the dignity of others to be slaves!

Grow up and let others grow!

The world needs to move forward,

It can't be stuck in a judgemental, primitive era of racism!

If you really want to see the developed world,

then develop your mind!

Blacks, browns and whites are just the beautiful people of different colors,

set this in your mind!

Cover Photo by Shane Aldendorff.


sweating blood


String of Connection